Three New Features in Kadence Blocks for Images, Progress Bar and Conditional Form Fields 

Written by:
Kathy Zant
| Published:
September 21, 2023
| Updated:
May 21, 2024

Kadence Blocks 3.1.16+ released three new features to make building sites with Kadence Blocks easier. These new features include conditional fields in the Advanced Form Block, a Pexels integration that allows for easier resizing, alt-tagging and importing of royalty free images into the media library, and the addition of shape masks to the Progress Bar Block. In this post, we provide an overview of these new features and how to use them. 

Advanced Form Block Conditional Fields

The Kadence Advanced Form Block now has conditional fields available to show or hide fields based on the input to other forms. We can now show specific fields only if the site visitor completing the form selects a specific option. In the example below, when a user selects a meal preference of “omnivore” the field containing “omnivore preference” is shown, but not shown otherwise. 

conditional fields

For a full video tutorial showing how to use conditional fields, see the YouTube video below. You can also refer to the help documentation for the Advanced Form Block

Pexels Integration

You can now easily search and download images from Pexels (a popular free image source) within your WordPress media library when you have Kadence Blocks 3.1.16 or greater installed. 

pexels integration

If enabled you can open the media library modal, and you will see a new tab next to the media library for pexels. Features of our Pexels integration include:

  • Search Pexels image library
  • Single or multi-select images to download
  • Images more optimally sized for web display
  • Images downloaded with better file names for search engine optimization

You can refer to our help documentation for the Pexels integration for more details, including how to disable this feature if needed. 

Progress Bar Shape Masks

The Kadence Blocks Progress Bar Block now has shape masks allowing you to add progress bar shapes as creative as stars, cats, dogs, mugs, diamonds, thumbs up, or even a custom image of your choice.

progress bar shape mask options

The Progress Bar Block can also be set to have as many mask iterations as desired, and even animations. This is a perfect use for testimonials, rating products, or other implementations.

progress bar mask selection

You can refer to our help documentation for the progress bar block for more details.

Kadence continues to innovate

These new features are just a small set of things that the Kadence team is continuously working on as we build out even more functionality for WordPress site owners looking to create more effective websites.

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Kathy Zant
Written by Kathy Zant

Kathy is a writer and speaker who helps businesses and people thrive. She creates some of the best content and tutorials about how to get more out of technology, marketing how-tos that help you grow your business, reports on security issues you need to know as they occur, and gives you all the tutorials to stay ahead and secure your life and business.

View more articles by Kathy

5 responses to “Three New Features in Kadence Blocks for Images, Progress Bar and Conditional Form Fields ”

  1. systempromowania Avatar

    QUERY LOOP builder wanted 🙂

  2. Avinash Katta Avatar

    Personally, I loved the Pexels Integration.

  3. Bas Avatar

    To be honest, I wasn’t waiting for a new form buildet (using formidable for years already), but the Kadence form builder is getting serious… Next conditional form I’m going to put Kadence to the test…

  4. Andrew Thorn Avatar

    I had no idea about the Progress Bar block or that it had animations included, so this is very helpful!

  5. Dan Laws Avatar

    Any update on when the ACF Repeater field update will be out to test?

Kathy Zant

By Kathy Zant

Kathy is a writer and speaker who helps businesses and people thrive. She creates some of the best content and tutorials about how to get more out of technology, marketing how-tos that help you grow your business, reports on security issues you need to know as they occur, and gives you all the tutorials to stay ahead and secure your life and business.

Updated May 21, 2024

| 3 min read

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