The “Row / Layout” block is the foundation for bringing a more advanced editing experience and options into the Bock Editor. Think of this as your base container when you need any type of special layout or content. You can create all kinds of custom grids. Control column widths, gutter sizes, backgrounds, overlays, border and dividers. Learn more about the settings and how to use the block in the Kadence Blocks Row Layout block documentation.
Single Column Layout

Two Column Example
Nullam placerat neque dolor, eu mollis massa accumsan in. Praesent eu ligula nunc. Morbi rutrum augue eros, fermentum dictum enim tempor dictum. Integer porta neque ac finibus iaculis. Aenean lacus urna, varius sit amet lectus non, vestibulum congue ante.
Single Column Layout
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut massa diam, fringilla ac nibh ac, fringilla pulvinar libero. Vivamus sed pharetra ex. Suspendisse vel placerat nisl, sed tincidunt augue.

Three Column Example
Aenean lacus urna, varius sit amet lectus non, vestibulum congue ante. Nullam placerat neque dolor, eu mollis massa accumsan in. Praesent eu ligula nunc. Nullam placerat neque dolor, eu mollis massa accumsan in. Praesent eu ligula nunc.
Nullam placerat neque dolor, eu mollis massa accumsan in. Praesent eu ligula nunc.
Aenean lacus urna, varius sit amet lectus non, vestibulum congue ante. Nullam placerat neque dolor, eu mollis massa accumsan in. Praesent eu ligula nunc. Nullam placerat neque dolor, eu mollis massa accumsan in. Praesent eu ligula nunc.
Aenean lacus urna, varius sit amet lectus non, vestibulum congue ante.
Aenean lacus urna, varius sit amet lectus non, vestibulum congue ante.
Aenean lacus urna, varius sit amet lectus non, vestibulum congue ante.
Aenean lacus urna, varius sit amet lectus non, vestibulum congue ante.
- Adjustable Columns (1-6)
- Adjustable Layout of columns (example: 50% – 25% – 25% for a three-column row)
- Tablet and Mobile Layout Controls.
- Collapse Order (LTR or RTL)
- Column Gutter (0 – 80px)
- Padding and Margin Controls (Customize for Tablet and Mobile as well)
- Background Color, Image (can be parallax), slider, and video.
- Background Overlay ( Color, Image, Gradient and control the opacity and blend mode).
- Tablet and Mobile Specific background options as well.
- Top and Bottom Dividers, color, height, width, and shape.
- Main HTML Tag (div, section, article, main, aside)
- Text Color (link and hover color as well).
- Min-Height
- Max-Width
- Vertical Align