Episode 25: Cultivating Mindset & Motivation Through Challenges
When we’re just starting a project, we often have to provide our own motivation to keep moving when challenges arise. In this episode, Ben, Hannah, and Kathy talk about how they work through challenges, set goals, and achieve more through mindset, surrounding themselves with supportive people, and keeping their “why” in mind through difficult times and setbacks. Ben also gives us some timetables for the release of Kadence Blocks 3.0, and some advice on updating any major WordPress software release. Hannah is in Mexico for this recording, providing its own challenges for our recording.
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- 0:00 Intro, where in the world is Hannah
- 1:10 Kadence Blocks 3.0
- 3:05 Advice for updating
- 3:58 Clear your caches, yes all of them
- 5:22 The importance of mindset, no matter what you’re doing
- 6:33 Fear happens when you’re doing something big
- 6:47 Running the Boston Marathon
- 7:56 Ben’s biggest fear
- 12:04 Self doubt will always be there, but knowledge helps
- 13:40 Surrounding yourself with good people
- 15:48 Be quick to iterate
- 18:41 You don’t need to have solutions, but you need to have confidence you’ll find solutions
- 20:12 Hannah about running marathons
- 23:35 How Ben overcame rejection from Envato
Kathy: Welcome to episode 25 of the Kadence Beat. This is the podcast that helps you do amazing things with WordPress and Kadence. We’re so happy that you’re here. Hannah, where are you? You’re not in Boise anymore.
Hannah: Boise’s really cold and February is really hard. So I’m in Mexico.
Kathy: That’s nice. Very warm. Has it been fun? Weather’s great.
Hannah: It’s been great. The beach is lovely. Yes, yes, we went to a cenote, which if you don’t know what that is, it’s essentially a hole in the ground and they charge you a lot of money to go swim around in it. But it is really cool. It’s like these underwater caves and really blue water.
And yeah, if you look it up, they’re pretty cool. But otherwise just been lots of beach time and then just working remote in a warm environment is very nice.
Kathy: Definitely lots of benefits to working remote, that’s for sure. I don’t know that I could ever go back to having to be in an office. There’s no Mexico in an office, you can’t do it. Just not happening. Yeah. Fun. Ben, it sounds like you are, you’re still in Montana in Missoula and you are working really hard to get blocks three ready to roll. Can you give us an update on what’s happening?
Ben: Yeah, for sure. I think, it’s good news on our end.
We’re basically gonna release a release candidate and kind of goal here is to get a thousand users on it and then push it live. Right now we’re feeling pretty good. We’ve gone through every single one of our starter templates, which is close to 80. To do tests both front end, back end, before and after, just making sure we get all that backward compatibility perfect. And then we’ve got something like 350 beta testers right now who are giving us feedback and so yeah, at this point we’re feeling really good. Everything in it, and I’m gonna get ready to push it live. And then too, getting really excited about the stuff that comes right after that. So the form block and other cool features, new blocks that will start to push in. Part of the reason for separating some of those features and this release is to just make sure this release was really focused on the entire structural change of the plugin. Making sure that it’s all backward compatible before we introduce some new new features.
And so yeah, it’s it’s looking good. I don’t have a set date, but in the back of my mind, something like a week and a half is probably when we’ll be looking at pushing this to live and then go from there.
Kathy: Amazing. I know a lot of people are gonna be excited to to hear those dates.
Ben: Yeah. Yeah.
Kathy: Dates and software. The worst combination in the whole wide world.
Ben:Yeah, I know.
Hannah: It’s scary.
Kathy: Yeah. Yes. Very exciting. So if you are not on our mailing list, that’s probably the best thing to do. Get on our mailing list or join that Facebook group and you will be one of the first to be notified that it’s ready to go.
And Ben, any advice? I don’t know if we’ll have another podcast between now and that time, but any advice for anyone who is getting ready to hit update when they finally see that in their production site that it’s available? Should they be running backups? Should they be testing on a staging server? Any advice for folks?
Ben: Yeah, my advice is you should be running backups always. So regardless of whether or not you’re gonna push major release into your site I think. I would approach this as you don’t need to update the day it goes live. And if you are concerned about your website or you’re concerned about something, you don’t need to push the update button right away.
And if you want to spin up a staging site and test it, I think that’s great. all of that is just gonna serve you more and serve you better. So I encourage all of it. At the same time, we’re doing our best to make it seamless and to where you update. The biggest thing that we see a lot when we push out updates is people not clearing their cache.
You have database cache and browser cache and a lot of things happening. So, when you hit that update button, make sure you clear everything so you’re seeing your site like a user would, and also you’re clearing all the compiled JavaScript and CSS so that you are seeing your site as it should show and not wrong. That’s a common one. Some of those CSS compilers and JavaScript minifiers will not regenerate after a plugin is updated. And that can create an issue cuz you’re just, you’ve got old compiled stuff. So that’s the one big tip. But always have backups and I think you’re, for the most part, I think you’re gonna find it update’s fine.
Kathy: Amazing. Yeah. And all of that is just good advice. No matter what you’re doing with WordPress, that major updates, it’s not just Kadence blocks that’s going to have a major update. Yoast, for example, just had a major update that changed the interface for how you’re setting up all of your SEO settings within WordPress if you’re using that particular plugin.
So this is just general good practices for working with WordPress anyway.
Ben: Yeah, yeah, I would always just have backups and then I generally like to compile my updates into, okay, today I’m gonna update, whether that’s for the week or whatever, but I’m gonna do all of the different updates and then make sure everything’s looking fine.
Kathy: Great. Cool. Our topic this week, is a little bit different, but I think it’s something that’s really important because we know that everybody who’s using Kadence you’re doing something, right? Either you have your own business or you are doing a side hustle. Maybe you’re just blogging and putting ad revenue on a blog for just some extra income, but you’re doing something cool with WordPress. Anybody who’s working with WordPress isn’t just, flipping burgers at Whataburger, you’re doing something neat. And that means that there’s something important, something that in conversations with Hannah we’ve talked a little bit about how important it is to have a good mindset with whatever you’re doing. Because you can learn, set up all of these blocks to work the right way, you can learn about hosting, you can learn about databases, you can learn everything there is to know about WordPress, but if you don’t have the right mindset about whatever it is you’re trying to build, you’ll never be successful. The mindset is the foundational aspect of everything that people are doing, and so much can go, so much can go wrong up here.
So much can go wrong in terms of how you’re thinking about a project. And I just heard this quote the other day, that fear happens whenever you’re trying to do something that’s really big. So how did, do you guys have thoughts of I can mitigate some of that fear, cuz I know you guys both, push yourself out of comfort zones?
Like Hannah, you’re running the Boston Marathon? When is that? That’s like a couple months from now.
Hannah: April 17th.
Kathy: And are you getting scared about it?
Hannah: Yeah, I say as scared. I feel excited, but the training is scary. The training, I’m like, it’s only 10 weeks out. But the training, it’s daunting and yeah. Scared about being injured. I feel like every time I like twist my ankle, even in the slightest, I’m like, oh my gosh, I’m gonna not be able to walk anymore anyway. So just fears about not showing up healthy, but yeah, fear. Fear is a huge one. It’s amazing how. Fear can stop you from doing so many things that you’re passionate about. Even just like I could never, I can’t tell you how many people who even love running, not just people in or outside of the running world, but even people who are runners are like, I could never accomplish that.
I could never run a marathon, or I could never run that fast or that far, whatever. And it’s actually you probably could if if you just set your mind to it. But there’s a lot of things to overcome in getting to that.
Kathy: Yeah, definitely. Ben you seem fearless, like you just know where you’re going. Does fear ever get in the way whether, it’s okay, we’re gonna do stuff at work or anything in life?
You live with bears, like in your backyard, it’s gonna be some fear in your life.
Ben: Yeah, for sure. I think I’m generally more confident about a lot of things, but I think where it comes up for me is the putting something out there that’s not a hundred percent like what I want. And that’s where it that’s the hardest part is to say I know what this could be and I know what we’re working toward, but to put it out there as being and risk that people are going to see what it’s not and not see what it is. Even though, like I know what it can be and I know we’re heading that way, but for people to reject it because it’s not there yet, there’s definitely a fear of that. And there’s a, that like becomes really hard to even talk about a product like I should at times when I’m like, this is a really good product.
Cuz I’m also noticing but there’s still things that are going to improve it. So I get that self-critical of I, it’s hard to. See exactly how this is beneficial now and how it can be more beneficial later and promote it that way and think about it that way and put it out there to people that way.
I’m always thinking if somebody looks at this, they’re gonna say yeah, it does those things and that’s fine, but it doesn’t do this and reject it. And that rejection, there’s definitely a fear there.
Kathy: So you use it as a driver, really? Like fear sounds something like a motivator of I’m going to make this even better. So nobody can say anything bad about it.
Ben: Yeah. Which of course like isn’t a path to success. Someone can always say something bad about your product or your thing or whatever, definitely. You’ve gotta get over that. There is going to be trolls. Yeah. Who will come in and just give you a hard time and ruin your day.
There will be and you can’t make your decisions based on that. But I think that’s where like it comes up, especially in the early stages for me, when I was just getting into development and theme development, I initially put a theme into Envato, actually about two years before I launched Kadence.
And that got rejected and that was like, maybe I shouldn’t even be doing this. Like maybe I shouldn’t get into product development at all. So that was like, and it was like, it was a hard rejection with no context. They just said absolutely not, we’re not taking this. And when I asked for why what’s wrong?
Or anything like that, no feedback whatsoever. And some of that is like the timeframe and Vata was probably getting in flooded but also that’s part of putting yourself out there is like having to deal with that rejection and that scary part of, oh, this didn’t go like I planned.
I had definitely planned on that going a lot better when I when I originally put it in. But in the end, a lot of good came out of it as I pivoted and started thinking about creating Kadence and not just like doing a one-off thing to see if it would work, but much more of like intentional around Kadence and then releasing a theme and it, taking off.
But yeah, I think there’s definitely a mindset for me, and I think it’s different for different people of This is scary because I’m I’m nervous that people are gonna reject it and that’s going to detrimentally hurt the reputation that I have or something like that to prevent future possibilities.
Especially early on, I was like, I don’t want this test or this pushing something out there to be like, Nothing that person creates is good going forward. And so there’s definitely there is a, like a bit of risk when you’re putting something out in public. Yeah. Which I think that goes back to I’m horrible on social media because anything I think of to write, I’m like, that’s dumb. No one wants to read that. No one wants to see that. And I just, I don’t even post or anything cuz I’m just like there’s a little bit of self-conscious, like I don’t want to put myself out there for somebody to be like, you’re stupid.
Kathy: Which, yeah, I think no matter what you’re putting out there, whether it’s code or just a sentence on Twitter, whatever everything’s always going to be a risk.
Ben: Yeah. And I think that it’s definitely different levels for different people and what that risk is. Some people find the social media thing like it’s fine every, everyone loves me. Why? And it just depends on who you are, right.
Kathy: Yeah. Somebody, I was watching some, I’d listen to a lot of self-help. Stuff, some of which is absolute garbage, and some of it’s really good. And I wrote one down this week. Self-doubt will always be there. It’s always going to be there no matter what you’re doing, whether you’re putting out something small or you’re gonna be doing something huge, self-doubt is always gonna be there. It’s just a signal that there’s something else to learn, right? Because when you’re really confident and you know that, you know your stuff… If I put you Ben in a room with someone and 20,000 people in that room watching you, and the conversation was going to be about Kadence. Nobody is going to be able to debate you about how Kadence works or you’re just the subject matter expert about it. Whereas like the other person, obviously they’re going to have. Some self-doubt because here they’re going up about somebody who’s like basically written the entire application. So it’s like there’s always something else that you can learn that’s going to give you more confidence. And I think that plays a lot into this whole idea of imposter syndrome.
Is it the imposter syndrome of being, and I’m just gonna keep using you, but I’m sorry. is the imposter syndrome of being like a WordPress expert, a theme expert, a Kadence expert, like wherever would I, whichever box I put you in, you’re going to have a different vibe on it. You’re gonna have a different thought about yourself in each of those boxes. But when I put you in the Kadence box, in that frame, you’re confident, right?
Ben: Yeah, for sure.
Kathy: But if I put you in the REST API box, you’re probably like, yeah, you’re talking, I don’t wanna talk about this, what are you making me talk about this for? Yeah the framework that you put around how you think about yourself could really be the key to what mindset you, take on.
Ben: I think something to really like help to encounter some of that is getting some people around you. If you are working on a side hustle and you’re like, I’m just having the hardest time, like selling this to people, getting a partner involved to help, to be like, yeah, this is really good and we should talk about it this way.
Or if you’re doing a side hustle and you’re just like, you’re getting yourself stuck on I don’t know. how to move forward or like how to like, and I’m nervous then being able to have a partner that comes in and can take some of that and can counter, some of that can go a long way.
in terms of just helping you get yourself out there in a more vulnerable and potentially more fearful way.
Kathy: Because you’re always going to be the one that’s most self-critical. The critic, it’s interesting cuz I know people who can be like, oh, that person doesn’t know what they’re talking about.
And they’ll get really hyper-critical at someone and I can really look at those people and say, I would hate to live in their head. Because if they’re doing that to this random person, this random stranger, imagine what they do to themselves. And I think we do that often to ourselves where it’s I am not putting my project out there.
I’m not even gonna show it to my friend or anyone unless it’s absolutely perfect. And so this, you then can end up in. In this… I’m distracted because I think maybe Hannah might have lost her connection down in Mexico, but we’ll hope she comes back. But I think a lot of times We stop, we don’t try, it has to be good enough.
You don’t wanna put out, just like the first thing that pops into your head, you wanna at least, give it some kind of critical eye and get it to a certain point where you’re confident that it’s at least that, that minimum viable. Project that you can put out there just to get some feedback.
And WordPress does that, doesn’t it? Like with full site editing, that was not something that was when it was released a little over a year ago, it wasn’t something that was like, okay, everybody start using full site editing. Gutenberg, same type of thing. These projects get to a certain point and then you put it out there and then see how it plays and it’s then start adjusting very rapidly.
And we did that with the beta didn’t we.
Ben: Exactly. Yeah, I think whether, whatever you’re doing, it’s be quick to iterate and quick to update and learn and get feedback. But I think the biggest thing is get it out there It’s never gonna be like, what do they say about parenting? Like you’re never gonna be ready to parent. There is no like point at which you’re like, I’ve arrived now I can be a parent. It’s like similar like your product or pushing yourself out there in some capacity, whether it’s a product or a new thing, you’re trying to do a startup or whatever.
It’s never going to be a hundred percent where you want it to be someday, It’s a tricky thing to do, but more often than not, people don’t push it out there when they should.
Kathy: Exactly. Yeah. Getting it out there and just being able to, especially if you’ve got a good vision and a good plan for what you’re doing.
Another thing that I’ve heard is that you don’t have to be confident that you’ve got it all figured out, but you have to have some confidence that you can figure it out that. things are gonna happen. You’re gonna run into maybe a client. If you’re an agency and you’re working with lots of clients, you’re gonna run into a client that pushes your scope a little bit, and you’re going to have to know that you have the confidence that you can figure it out in bridging that relationship.
Or if you’re putting out a theme or a plugin or any kind of software product that when it ends up on a server running. PHP 5.2, that you’ll figure it out either by helping that user to get on a more modern PHP version or being able to adjust if all of your users are using old versions of PHP. But you’ll make those decisions when you get to it. But have some confidence that you can figure it out.
I can’t tell if Hannah’s frozen or not. Hannah, are you still with us? Yeah, I think she’s very still, I think she might just be very frozen.
Ben: Very frozen.
Kathy: So maybe I’ll just, maybe we’ll just remove her and see if she comes back in the green room. And we’ll just bring this conversation on home.
Ben: I wanna go back to that point cuz I think with all of it, Whether or not you have the ability to succeed long term after you get it out there. If you have a network of people, I found this so useful where it’s like I ran into a problem that was over my head or not in my specific field, and having a network of people that are in different fields that I know and can ask questions of, join the groups, do the work to join the whatever it is, whether it’s the Facebook groups or your local meetups or whatever doing that work to get connected with people who have different strengths than you to where you can just send them that slack message. I’ve definitely done it on Twitter and on Slack and different things where I’ve been like, you don’t really know me and we met one time, but I know you’re really smart in this area.
Can you just point me in the right direction? that kind of insurance for yourself is so nice. In terms of just being able to say I know I can move forward cause I know I’ll have I can find people that can help me.
Kathy: And it’s like that whole idea of you don’t have to have every single solution. Okay, I’m not gonna start my project until I have everything all up here. But you have to know that you have the ability to find those solutions, find answers, find feedback either from that network and that network of people around you is so important too. That whole idea that we are the sum of the people we surround ourselves with, right?
If you’re in a situation where you’re trying to start a side hustle and you have a vision of something in the future, and all your friends are like, No, my, I’m working here and I go into the bar on Friday night, and that’s my life. You wanna step out of that and start inserting people into your inner circle of other people who are trying to do similar things to what you’re doing and make sure you surround yourself
around people who, and that’s not to say that the friends at the bar are terrible and you have to stay away from them, but at least make sure that they’re encouraging to you. But also add to that network of people, others who are. Fighting this battle too because the mindset you inherit so much of your thinking from, and the framework of how you see your reality from the people you surround yourself with.
So I think that’s really important. I think Hannah’s back, let’s give her, let’s give her a go. Cause I really wanna ask her about the mindset of running, Are you with us, Hannah? Can you hear us?
Hannah: I’m here. I’m so sorry.
Kathy: It’s okay. Mexico Internet, huh?
Kathy: I wanted to really get your thoughts about the the idea of actually running a marathon, something I’m not going to be able to do because I’m just too old and I don’t think my knees will ever forgive me just for thinking about it.
So I wanna ask you about running and it’s a painful process, but how do you get yourself into the space where it actually becomes an enjoyable part of your.
Hannah: It really is truly mind over matter. I remember in high school I had some friends who were runners and I was like, I hate running. It’s not fun. And then I just decided one day I wanted to be a runner and I was like, I’m gonna like this. And so I just started doing it. And it definitely took time, but then it became something that became addictive cuz you do get this high from it.
If I didn’t run, I think I would honestly have pretty bad anxiety because it is such a stress reliever for me. And now it really is something that I just genuinely love. Although marathon running, I will say is different because it’s not like I can just go out for a 45 minute run and go out slow and do what I want.
It’s like I’m on this training plan that. means I have to turn two hours when it’s 12 degrees outside. And that is not always fun. And that is, that’s when really mind over matter plays in and I have to focus on the goal and focus on what I’m chasing. And and yeah. And then there are days where it’s just really a grind and your body’s not feeling it, and it’s just pretty miserable.
and just have path to power through, which I’m sure parenting, I hate this. I don’t say that parenting’s ever miserable, but I’m sure that there are days where you’re like, I’m just powering through today. Which is probably the case in so many things that we do and, but when there’s an end goal, it’s like, it’s hard, but it’s also, you’re also pretty determined to get there.
So there’s not really is this gonna happen or isn’t? Like the kids’ diapers have to be changed and they have to be fed and like running does not crow quite that extreme. Like I can actually just not run and it would be fine, but because I’m pretty set on this goal and and achieving it, it’s okay, regardless of what I want, say, like I will get up and I run and I will follow this plan and whatever.
But yeah it’s a mental battle.
Kathy: There’s some definite themes of what you just said there in terms of having a focused. having a why. And then, yeah, making sure, because your why, with your parenting, with parenting, it’s just okay, this miniature me is so cute, it’s they make them cute for a reason.
I used to joke because you need it. That’s best every once in a while. They’re cute for a reason because they have, you have to have that why of just like adoring this little being and wanting to take care of them. But when it’s like, when. Parenting a project, you have to have a why. It has to be a passion.
You have to have a reason for what it is that you’re doing because no matter what you’re doing, there’s going to be, that what they call it, the 21st or 22nd mile, where it’s just nah, I don’t wanna do this anymore. And you’ve gotta stay focused with where you’re going.
Hannah: Definitely. Also mile 18 feels that way too. But yeah.
Kathy: so multiple reasons. You need to have your why, your end goal. Yeah. And your focus. It’s huge. Yeah. Cool. All right. Anything that I, that we should talk about? with, punching fear in the face and conquering the things that stop us from doing the amazing things with WordPress.
It seems weird to say WordPress when we’re talking about all these like other major life things, but WordPress is like a means to an end for a lot of these big projects when we’re trying to put ourselves out there.
Hannah: How you overcame the rejection that you got. You’re a very confident person and I’m confident, but I think if I got rejected in that way, I would just be like, yeah, this isn’t for me.
Like I think I’m just gonna be done and go find someone else. Because obviously I’m like in the wrong niche here. So how do you be like how are you able to push past that and be like, no, this actually I know that this is good, or I know that I have something that, that people will. Despite the fact that these people just basically told me it was no good.
Ben: Yeah, I’d go back to having other people around me was a big thing. So I was able to push that product to people that I knew in the WordPress space and say, is this any good? And their response was like, assurance of I’m onto something here. For whatever reason. It’s not gonna work out with Embato obviously, but but there is something here that this is fulfilling.
So one, making sure that the product from wasn’t solving a problem that I didn’t understand really well. You’re just gonna have a really hard time creating a product if you don’t really understand the problem. And so I knew that I was solving a problem that I. I had a vested interest in fixing.
I was like, I’m building websites for people and I really want this theme to do it. I want what I’m gonna create here to be the piece that really helps that happen. So I knew that I was solving my problem, and then being able to push it out to other people that I knew in the WordPress space that were building websites and things like that, and say, Hey, is this any good?
And getting that feedback, I think making sure that you’re not just relying on one particular place of receiving feedback is huge. Like making sure you’re putting it out there to more people because yeah if all I knew was Invato, then I would be like I. I should go find a different career based on their response.
But I think that’s key. And then two, like for me in moving past it, like picking up the pieces and being like, what do I do next? I didn’t assume I was right and they were wrong. I assumed I had work to do too. So I definitely did. A lot more learning and a lot more okay, how do, how would I make this MVP that I had?
How do I keep making that better? And potentially, so I went on forums and I sent people demos and asked for advice and random people on random forums were like, Hey, you should try this or maybe change this. At the time a theme had a lot to do with design, so there’s a lot of design advice that I got from different people, which is pretty subjective, but still good to get a whole feel, I think that’s the big thing. It’s just getting things out there for people to give you feedback. And I think in terms of like how to get started finding little things you can do each day. Cuz this was like, I was still at the time I was painting like that was my day job.
So working on it at night instead of watching TV or whatever. There’s like just finding little things that I can do to keep improving. I think that’s one of the big things is like everyone looks at what they want to do and it’s this huge, daunting task.
I wanna start a blog and I want to do reviews, and I want to get my name out there, or whatever, and that’s all daunting. But if you just start somewhere and find that smallest thing you can work on and keep doing it, that’s. Totally on the a Atomic habit’s vein of just find something that takes less than two minutes that you can trigger yourself into the next thing.
Kathy: Great advice. Very great advice. Amazing. Hannah, I am so glad you’re in Mexico and enjoying yourself, and that’s you’re nice and warm.
Ben: Enjoy. I do feel like Hannah’s been in Mexico twice now. I’m I’m sorry. On a podcast and we have still not done any podcasts where me or you are not in the same place we’re always in, so we need to step up our game. Kathy, is what this comes down to we’re clearly not living the dream that Hannah is clearly living.
Kathy: Yeah. Remote work is yeah. Not working for us, the dream is not alive. Yeah. I need to get out of, Texas is so cold right now and I know I’m not gonna complain because I’ve seen your weather, Ben, I’m not gonna complain. Yeah. But yeah, what? It’s fine.
Ben: Could be worse. I built a snowman with the kids last weekend, so that was fun. I love it. Nice big snowman in the front yard there to greet you.
Kathy: And to scare all of the bears away.
Ben: Yeah. I have twins that are one and a half years old, and the boy, I have boy and girl twins, and the boy just loves the outdoors.
We have a hill in our backyard and he just got on his stomach face in the snow and just pushed his way down the hill, like slid down on his stomach, mouth open, just eating as much snow as he can. I see slides down the backyard, so that’s my life right now and it’s good. I love it.
Kathy: That is amazing. Enjoy. Enjoy those days because they turn into teenagers.
Ben: So yeah, you have kids and everyone’s oh, don’t just enjoy it now wait for the two, the terrible twos. And then it’s oh, just enjoy it now. Wait till they get to kindergarten and Oh, just enjoy it now. Wait till they’re teenagers.
Hannah: It’s There’s always that threat of wait till they’re adults. It’s oh man.
Kathy: Then they leave you. Do you have anything to look forward to?
Hannah: Just wait till your kids turn horrible. Yeah. You have good kids now. Just wait. They’re going be that. We say that.
Kathy: Yeah. You know they’re wonderful at every age.
Hannah: You’re like, oh my kids were the best thing that ever happened.
Kathy: Yeah my kids are pretty much all grown up and they’re still wonderful. I still appreciate them. It’s just, they, you know what it is. It’s Facebook. I go on Facebook and it’s look at your memories. It’s like all the cute things that they say and all of the snuggle time and all of the magic and wonder that they have about the world just goes away.
There is this this park in Monterey and we used to go, when we lived in Shasta, we’d go down to Monterey and Carmel when it was way too snowy. One great thing about California is you get to escape. If you don’t like it, the ocean goes to the mountains. It’s all like right there.
And there was this butterfly statue. And my daughter, I just one day like, just talked for it, like welcome to the park at the beach, and I just started. And so for the joke was every time we went there, she, I have to go talk to the butterfly and then one day she walks up to it and she’s it was you, wasn’t it.
It’s just like that magic goes away where you can’t, you’re not the butterfly anymore.
Hannah: That’s so sad.
Kathy: It is. It’s now the joke in the family though. It’s just oh, we wanna go back to car one of these days. Yeah, you so you could torture me with that butterfly, of course it’s funny to her. And now I’m just like the bad mom because Santa Claus isn’t really either. So anyway.
We should wrap this up, otherwise I’ll just tell all my kids stories and we’ll, Ben, we should just have a podcast about kids stories cause they’re wonderful. But thanks for watching and, if you’ve participated in the beta process for Kadence Blocks 3.0, we are so grateful for you.
This is gonna be an amazing release. I’ve been playing with it and I’ve got it on production for sites that don’t matter. It’s good. It’s really good. You’re gonna be very excited. If you haven’t had a chance to play with it yet, you will be very thrilled with it. So thank you to everybody who’s beta tested it because you are testing your bug reports.
Your participation in this has made it what it is, and we are eternally grateful. So thanks for watching and we will be back sometime in the near future with another edition of the Kadence Beat.
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Written by Kathy Zant
Kathy is a writer and speaker who helps businesses and people thrive. She creates some of the best content and tutorials about how to get more out of technology, marketing how-tos that help you grow your business, reports on security issues you need to know as they occur, and gives you all the tutorials to stay ahead and secure your life and business.
By Kathy Zant
Kathy is a writer and speaker who helps businesses and people thrive. She creates some of the best content and tutorials about how to get more out of technology, marketing how-tos that help you grow your business, reports on security issues you need to know as they occur, and gives you all the tutorials to stay ahead and secure your life and business.
Updated July 22, 2024